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ClearstoneIP Announces New FTO Platform

ClearstoneIP is proud to announce the beta release of its next generation freedom-to-operate management platform, Clearstone FTO. With guidance and feedback from IP industry leaders, we've infused this new web-based application with the ideal combination of best practices, workflows, and collaboration features to bring much-needed efficiency to a critical process.
Some of the core features of the platform include:
- Product-focused organization of FTO reviews - all reviews for a product easily locatable in one place.
- Claim-by-claim FTO determinations with integrated patent review interface.
- Team collaboration - messaging, workflow management, asset sharing, all easily handled between team members.
- Patent history review - easily see what decisions were made on a patent, in any prior review and any other product.
- Customizable reporting - user-configurable to report the most essential information.
With state-of-the-art security features, Clearstone FTO makes it simple and safe to access vital information from anywhere. It's an intuitive and powerful approach to manage and interact with information that was previously relegated to hundreds of spreadsheets scattered throughout organizations.
Click here to learn more.
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